Worship Materials


Order of Service

Sundar, April 21, 2024 10:00 am


Ringing of the Bell








*Opening Hymn:      “The Church’s One Foundation” #272


*Call to Worship (Responsively):

For the beauty we see and for the love that unites us, we thank you, O God.

For the strength we are given to enable us to seek your presence when we need your help, we speak our gratitude.

For the wonder of your grace by which our lives are restored, we pause in thanksgiving to you.

For the assurance of your boundless care for us, we raise our prayers in grateful wonder for your power, your glory, your kingdom on this your splendid earth.



Create in us O God, a newness of spirit as we walk our various paths.  Sometimes we lose our way and follow after things not worthy of us.  In those times, let us be aware of the harm we place ourselves in that we may be refreshed by claiming anew what it means to follow you.  O God, ever remind us of the great gift you have given to us in the life of Christ that we may hold before us the full measure of truth and the boundless love that ever names us as one of yours in Christ our Lord.  Amen. 


The Lord’s Prayer


Children’s Time


*Hymn:                            “I Love to Tell the Story” # 480


Scripture Lesson:                  Acts 16:5-12; 16-34

                                            Reader: Keri Koenig


Prayer of Confession

       Gracious God, whose gentle power leads us, help us to trust in you.  Our head-strong wills have time and again turned us from your way to ways unbecoming of us.  Help us we pray to honor your ways and forgive us we pray, when we turn away.  Let us, we pray, be open to that which is built on foundations that do not crumble, and lives that have purpose in a lasting commitment to that which enriches and fulfills us.  And O God, when it is that we turn for you, speak your voice to us that we again can lay claim to being one of your in Christ.  Amen.


Assurance of Pardon


Special Music                                       Dr. Ernie Huntzinger


Sharing Our Joys and Concerns


*Passing the Peace*


Sharing Our Gifts


*Doxology         “Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow”     

Praise God from whom all blessings flow;

Praise him, all creatures here below;

Praise him above, ye heavenly host;

Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.  Amen.


*Prayer of Thanksgiving


Sermon                            “The Wayward Wind”


*Closing Hymn:       “He Leadeth Me: O Blessed Thought” #545



