Frequently Asked Questions



New here? Here are some commonly asked questions to get you started.

Is Immanuel UCC accessible?

Our building has an accessible entrance near the elevator which reaches all levels of the building. The church has accessible restroom facilities. We also utilize hearing loop technology for those who may require hearing assistance during worship.

How do I become a member of Immanuel UCC?

Join us for worship sometime, and if you feel that God is calling you to become a part of the Immanuel UCC family of faith, then speak with the pastor or consistory member about the privileges and responsibilities of church membership and a new member reception celebration. 

Who is welcome to participate in Holy Communion at Immanuel UCC?

At Immanuel UCC, we practice an open table at which all who desire to partake are welcome.

Does Immanuel UCC provide Christian education programming?

Yes! Sunday School is shared and held at Our Shephard UCC in Howards Grove from 8:30 am to 9:45 am from Labor Day until Memorial Day.  We provide confirmation classes for 7th and 8th graders, and each summer we have a week-long "Vacation Bible School" that is shared each summer with Our Shephard UCC in Howards Grove.

Whom do I contact about a wedding at Immanuel UCC?

If you would like to schedule a wedding at Immanuel UCC, please contact the church office at (920) 565-3554.

Whom do I contact about plots in the Immanuel UCC Cemetery?

Questions about the Immanuel UCC Cemetery can be directed to Edgar Karsteadt via email at 

When is the Immanuel UCC Drive-Thru Food Pantry open?

Our drive-thru food pantry is open on Saturdays from 9am to 11am. Simply drive up to the church door, and someone will bring you a bag of non-perishable and perishable groceries, no questions asked. We are always glad to receive donations for the food pantry. The pantry’s open hours are the best time to drop off donations.